Grid5000 Metadata Bundler

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This page summarize what you need to know about g5k-metadata-bundler.


When running experiments on Grid'5000, users generate metadata across multiple services. This metadata is useful for reproducibility purposes or scientific dissemination. The g5k-metadata-bundler is a service designed to retrieve metadata across all the different services and bundle them in a single archive. The bundle only retrieves metadata generated by Grid'5000 services, the collection of data generated by the users experiment is beyond the scope of this application.

Warning.png Warning

This service is in beta and not yet feature complete.


G5k-metadata-bundler is installed on every site frontend in Grid'5000 it can only be executed from the site frontends.

g5k-metadata-bundler -s SITE -j JOBID [-o OUTPUT]
  -v, --version                    Print g5k-metadata-bundler version
  -s, --job-site SITE              [MANDATORY] Grid'5000 site from which to extract
  -j, --job-id JID                 [MANDATORY] Job id of the OAR jod to extract
  -o, --output OUT                 Bundle name to use for the directory/archive

Users do not need to operate the bundler on the same frontend as the site the jobs was executed on. The bundler download all data pertaining to the queried job and bundle in a archive named code g5k-bundle-SITE-JID.tar.gz or if an output name has been provided OUTPUT.tar.gz. The bundle is provided in as a tar.gz archive which can be manipulated by using the following commands:

  • Listing
    tar -tzf OUTPUT.tar.gz lists all files contained within the bundle
    tar -xzf OUTPUT.tar.gz extracts all files to a directory with the same name as the bundle

Users operating on older versions of Windows might require thrid party software to unpack the bundle. (often 7-zip)

Example usage

user@fsophia:~$ g5k-metadata-bundler -s nancy -j 3003030
 Running g5k-metadata-bundler for job 3003030 at nancy
 Generating README
 Compressing bundle
 Bundle created at g5k-bundle-nancy-3003030.tar.gz
user@fsophia:~$ ls -lh g5k-bundle-nancy-3003030.tar.gz
 -rw-r--r-- 1 user g5k-users 456K Jul 19 09:50 g5k-bundle-nancy-3003030.tar.gz
user@fsophia:~$ tar -tzf g5k-bundle-nancy-3003030.tar.gz

Bundle contents